Did you know the amount of lead dust to fill a single sugar packet can contaminate a 1,500 sf home?
ECOBOND® LBP is much more than just paint; it is far superior to regular latex paint, sealants or paint strippers because ECOBOND® LBP is a high quality interior/exterior acrylic latex paint, and multi-use lead based paint remediation product that seals and treats lead dust and lead in lead paint as well as peeling and chipping lead paint.
How can ECOBOND® LBP Help?
- ECOBOND® LBP is the ONLY product of its type on the market that seals and treats lead dust and lead in lead paint
- Lowest cost lead paint treatment available
- Costs less than .25¢/sf – 40% - 80% LESS than other products
- Formulated to contain advanced paint penetrators and softeners to maximize adherence
- Proven and patented to significantly reduce lead hazards up to 95%
- Mold and mildew resistant (ASTM D5590-00 modified)
- Fire resistant (ASTM E84-11A)
- Unique Paint it on, Leave it on formula
- Multi-purpose product for use by Homeowners and Contractors
- New data reveals that up to 80% of structures in the US contain lead based paint
- 1 in 38 children ages 1-5 in America are currently affected by lead poisoning
- According to the US EPA, lead-based paint removal costs are estimated at $8 -$15 a square foot; a house of 1,200-2,000 square feet could run as much as $9,600 -$30,000
- Activities that may involve lead based paint include
- Renovation, repair and painting (RRP)
- Remediation and demolition
- Lead paint stabilization
- Component removal and disposal
Homeowners and RRP contractors have several options for dealing with lead based paint; the trick is finding the best solution, one that:
- Provides a safer environment for workers and occupants
- Effectively reduces lead hazards
- Is cost-effective
- Is easy to use
- Is eco-friendly
The following table provides a summary of key considerations for selecting your lead based paint mitigation project.
Interested in Lead Paint Component Removal?
Remove Lead Paint: ECOBOND® LBP is unique because you can use it to seal and treat the lead dust and lead paint prior to component removal - Paint it on, Leave it on! No need to strip the paint prior to disposal.
Disposal of Treated Lead Paint or Lead Paint Components: Through the proper application of ECOBOND® LBP, removed and collected solid waste will typically provide eco-friendly disposal as non-hazardous for lead. As disposal and sampling requirements vary by state and locality; check with your local agencies for additional requirements.