ECOBOND® LBP is specially formulated to address lead dust and lead paint hazards; its patented formula chemically treats lead in lead paint and lead dust. ECOBOND® LBP is allowed for use in all 50 states as Residential Lead Paint Interim Control and Paint Stabilization as defined below. It is recommended you verify if any specific state or local requirements apply.
What is Interim Control?
Interim Lead Hazard Control is commonly defined by US EPA/HUD and many state agencies as: “to reduce temporarily human exposure or likely exposure to lead-based paint hazards including specialized cleaning, repairs, maintenance, painting, temporary containment.” [42 USC Chapter 63A – Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction 01/03/2012 (112-90)]
ECOBOND® LBP, when applied as directed to interior or exterior structurally sound substrate, qualifies for use during Interim Control by providing lead hazard reduction as part of repair, lead maintenance, lead dust control, and painting as a sealant and primer or interior top coat.
What is Lead Paint Stabilization?
Lead Paint Stabilization is commonly defined by US EPA/HUD and many state agencies as: "repairing any physical defect in the substrate of a painted surface that is causing paint deterioration, removing loose paint and other material from the surface to be treated, and applying a new protective coating or paint. The purpose of painting is to protect the substrate and improve its appearance." [Pursuant to 24 CFR 35.110; Title 24 Housing and Urban Development; Subtitle A Office of the Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Development; Part 35 Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention in Certain Residential Structures; Subpart B General Lead-Based Paint Requirements and Definitions for all Programs]
ECOBOND® LBP, when applied as directed, qualifies for use during Lead Paint Stabilization by providing lead hazard reduction; sealing and treating the lead paint surface, applying a new protective coating over the existing lead paint or on the substrate that the lead paint was removed from; as a sealant and primer or interior top coat.