Safe work practices are imperative when it comes to dealing with lead based paint. Following the EPA’s lead-safe practices is very important to maintaining a safe environment during renovation, repair and painting, or RRP.

Renovation activities can cause hazardous lead dust to release into the environment creating an unsafe work area without the proper precautions. Lead dust is one of the most toxic elements from lead exposure.

ECOBOND LBP is an affordable solution for RRP practices reducing 99% of lead dust in the environment and 95% of lead hazards overall. ECOBOND LBP is a paint, primer and sealant that effectively seals and treats lead paint hazards. ECOBOND LBP is specially formulated for use during RRP and demolition. For less than $.25/sq ft, this affordable and can help you mitigate your risks when it comes to the effects of lead based paint and help you maintain safe work practices as defined by the EPA and HUD.

ECOBOND LBP – So much more than just paint! See our product uses below.


  • Lead dust sealant – 99% airborne lead reduction
  • Lead dust/lead paint treatment – 95% reduction in lead hazards
  • “Paint it on, leave it on” formula for RRP or demolition
  • Paint it on and remove it with the lead based paint during removal
  • Residential/HUD lead paint hazard control and maintenance
  • Obtaining final clearance for lead paint project
  • Use as a primer or as a fully tintable topcoat
  • Non hazardous and environmentally friendly waste-disposal