Lead paint can pose a major threat for workers’ safety when ingested or inhaled. Elevated lead levels are extremely dangerous to one’s health and lead dust can be easily transferred to a workers’ home on clothing, making it hazardous for their entire family. During renovation, repair or demolition, failure to properly mitigate lead risk can provide very dangerous work environments and can lead to fines through OSHA and the EPA.

These types of projects create a lot of dust. ECOBOND LBP can help mitigate the hazards associated with lead dust and lead paint. ECOBOND LBP can be applied directly to any surfaces with lead contamination and will effectively seal and treat the lead to make it non-hazardous for demolition, removal and disposal.

This low-cost solution to reduce the hazards of lead based paint makes it an excellent choice for your project. ECOBOND LBP has been used in several demolition projects, bridges, renovation, remodeling and repair all over the Nation. Choose ECOBOND LBP for safe lead paint remediation on your project. See our product features below.

Product Features

  • Specially formulated for use during lead paint renovation, repair and painting, remediation and demolition, lead paint stabilization, and prior to removal
  • Seals and treats lead dust and lead in lead paint, chipping & peeling paint
  • Reduces airborne lead dust by up to 99%
  • Reduces lead hazards up to 95% (EPA method 1311)
  • 100% acrylic latex tintable paint or for use as a primer; formulated for maximum adherence
  • Easy to apply (spray it, brush it or roll it): Apply with airless sprayer, brush or roller. For airless sprayer, minimum recommended spray tip orifice is .027 - .031 with all filters removed; recommended mesh size of 20 or lower; recommended pump size 0.70 GPM or larger (e.g. Graco 695 or Titan 640)
  • Contains penetrators and softeners to maximize adherence
  • Mold and mildew resistant (ASTM D5590-00 modified)
  • Fire resistant (ASTM E84-11A)
  • Low VOCs
  • Low cost (< 25¢ /sf)
  • Expansive coverage (~300 sf/gal)